Insights – Saskia van Drimmelen, Painted

“We invited Juanita & Jessica Growing Thunder, Native American bead masters, to collaborate with us along with European bobbin lace master Rose Marcus Leroy. Working all together on dressing house no. 17 we crossed over in techniques and all made things differently from how we normally work.”

Juanita and Jessica Growing Thunder, Saskia van Drimmelen and Erzsi Pennings beading on the terrace in front of Coney Island / Conyne Eylandt.

“I unfortunately haven’t visited all the houses. The time flew by and I enjoyed the continuous making process in our own house so much that I couldn’t leave so easily. I loved the Go Slow cafe, because of all the sweet people working there.”

Juanita is often accompanied by dragonflies, even on Governors Island! She is beeding a beautiful one on the needlepoint lace detail made by Rumjana Rakovska in Bulgaria.

“The new collaborations we found for this occasion were very enriching and will definitely continue. For me new luxury is being able to put time into the pieces. To let the different handwriting and skills of the people working on each garment bloom by growing side by side.”

A doorway doily to enjoy while watching the film of Painted Garden.

Saskia van Drimmelen, Painted

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